Round River Resource Management, LLC is a land resource and livestock management company dedicated to restoring and improving agricultural operations through the principles of Holistic Management™ in a sustainable manner and consistent with the goals of the resource owner.

The name Round River is derived from the metaphorical river described by Aldo Leopold that flows endlessly into itself, circling around and around in a never ending circuit that symbolizes the current of life.  Leopold’s illustration describes the manner in which energy streams from the soil into plants, then into animals and finally back into the soil in a continuous circuit of life.

Round River Resource Management was founded in 2008 to manage the Brett Gray Ranch and other agricultural enterprises following the principles of Holistic Management™ and to provide educational and business opportunities that help young, innovative people enter the ranching business.


Since its beginning in 2008, Round River has worked to utilize regenerative management practices to improve and restore the land resource base through proper grazing management and a holistic and adaptive decision making process that promotes economic and ecological sustainability. In addition, providing opportunities to develop an appreciation for conservation and to teach the land and livestock management skills associated with sustainable ranching has always been an important aspect of the Round River mission.

Round River Resource Management was founded on the principles of conservation, based upon the writings of Aldo Leopold and the teachings of Allan Savory and Stan Parsons. By working upon the four fundamental ecosystem processes: mineral cycle, energy flow, water cycle and community dynamics, Round River strives to improve the resource base and bring ecological and economic sustainability to the ranching industry.